Performing a comprehensive financial health check involves evaluating various aspects of your financial situation. Undertaking a Financial Health Check is a great way to get a holistic view of your finances to help you become financially fitter both now and in the future.

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What is Financial Health Check?

A Financial Health Check is an evaluation of an individual's or a business's financial well-being. It involves thoroughly examining various aspects of financial management to determine the overall fiscal health. The goal is to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in one's financial situation.

Financial Health Check

What is included in the Financial Health Check?

Checking and handling your debts, saving up for emergencies, and reviewing how you save and invest money are important. Also, it's smart to look at your retirement plans, make sure you have enough insurance coverage, and sort out your estate planning documents to be ready for the future. Keep an eye on your credit report to catch any mistakes and make changes to your financial goals as needed. It's all about staying on top of things and being prepared for whatever comes your way.

1. Income and Expenses Analysis

One of the fundamental aspects of a financial health check is scrutinizing income and expenses. This involves a detailed examination of sources of income, and regular expenditures and identifying areas where expenses can be optimized.

2. Debt Assessment

Understanding and managing debt is important for financial health. A financial health check assesses existing debts, their interest rates, and the feasibility of repayment plans. Strategies to reduce and manage debt effectively are often outlined in this evaluation.

3. Savings and Investments

A comprehensive evaluation of savings and investments helps in understanding how well one is preparing for the future. This includes assessing the diversity of investment portfolios, the performance of existing investments and the alignment of savings with financial goals.

Financial Health Check

4. Emergency Fund Evaluation

An emergency fund is a safety net that provides financial security during unexpected situations. Financial health checks often assess the adequacy of emergency funds, ensuring that individuals or businesses are prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

5. Retirement Planning

For individuals, assessing retirement plans is essential for long-term financial well-being. A financial health check analyzes retirement savings, investment strategies and the alignment of these plans with retirement goals.

6. Credit Score Check

A healthy credit score is vital for accessing favorable financial products. Financial health checks often include a review of credit reports to identify any discrepancies and suggest ways to improve credit scores.

Financial Health Check

What are the benefits of getting a Financial Health Check?

Clarity and Awareness
A financial health check provides a clear snapshot of your current financial situation. It enhances awareness of income, expenses and financial habits, helping you make informed decisions.

Mitigating Risk
By identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities, a financial health check enables proactive measures to mitigate those risks. This can include optimizing debt repayment plans, enhancing insurance coverage, or diversifying investment portfolios.

Aligning Your Goals
Understanding where you stand financially helps align your goals with your current situation. Whether it’s buying a house, funding education, or planning for retirement, a financial health check ensures that your financial strategies are in sync with your aspirations.

Improved Financial Planning
Armed with insights from a financial health check, you can create more effective financial plans. This includes budgeting, saving strategies, and investment decisions that are tailored to their unique financial circumstances.

Enhanced Financial Well-being
Achieving financial health goes beyond mere wealth accumulation. It’s about achieving a state of financial well-being where individuals have the confidence and resources to navigate life’s uncertainties and pursue their aspirations.

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Why should you get a Financial Health Check?

Preventive Financial Care
Similar to regular health check-ups, a financial health check serves as preventive financial care. It helps catch potential issues early on, preventing them from escalating into major financial crises.

Adaptability to Life Changes
Life is dynamic, and circumstances change. A financial health check ensures that your financial strategies are adaptable to life changes such as career shifts, marriage, parenthood or unexpected events.

Long-Term Financial Stability
For individuals and businesses alike, long-term financial stability is a key goal. Regular financial health checks contribute to achieving this stability by fostering prudent financial management.

Optimizing Resources
Resources are finite, and optimizing their use is essential. A financial health check helps in identifying areas where resources can be optimized, whether it’s reducing unnecessary expenses, renegotiating interest rates, or improving investment strategies.

Building Financial Resilience
In a rapidly changing economic landscape, building financial resilience is crucial. A financial health check aids in fortifying your financial position, ensuring you are better prepared to weather economic uncertainties.

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How a Financial Health Check Works?

A financial health check works by examining various aspects of your financial situation. It involves gathering information about your income, expenses, debts, savings, and investments. You assess your financial goals and compare them to your current financial status.

Data Collection
The process begins with gathering comprehensive financial data. This includes details on income, expenses, debts, savings, investments, insurance and other relevant financial information.

Analysis and Evaluation
Financial experts, or even automated tools, analyze the collected data. They evaluate various financial metrics, such as debt-to-income ratio, savings rate, and investment performance, to gauge the overall financial health.

Identification of Strengths and Weaknesses
Based on the analysis, strengths and weaknesses in the current financial situation are identified. This could range from effective debt management and robust investment strategies to areas that need improvement, such as inadequate emergency funds or high-interest debt.

Customized Recommendations
The financial health check process provides personalized recommendations tailored to the individual’s or business’s unique financial circumstances. These recommendations could include debt consolidation strategies, investment diversification, or adjustments to savings plans.

Action Plan Development
Armed with the analysis and recommendations, an action plan is developed. This plan outlines specific steps to be taken to enhance financial health, achieve financial goals, and address identified weaknesses.

Follow-Up and Monitoring
Financial health is not a one-time achievement; it requires ongoing attention. Regular follow-ups and monitoring are integral to ensure that the implemented strategies are effective and adaptable to changing circumstances.

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How does the application process work?

Initial Enquiry

Tell us about your commercial finance requirements and specific needs. You can call us on 020 7036 6435. Alternatively, you can schedule a consultation or submit your enquiry online, and a member of our team will respond to you within 24 hours.


One of our qualified advisers will discuss your situation with you in more detail and advise of any additional information or documentation required to search the market thoroughly. Our advisors will research the market for potential rates.

Decision In Principle

Following their research, your adviser will present their recommendations tailored to your specific needs. This will include details of rates and any associated fees that may apply. Once ready to proceed, your adviser can request an agreement.


When ready to proceed, your adviser will submit the full application. At this stage, the lender will review any documents you provided and get everything prepared for checking the property value and making decisions about the loan.


The formal finance offer will be issued once the lender is satisfied with the documentation provided and the business offers suitable security. Once approved, your advisor will discuss your needs and make any recommendations and arrangements.


When your solicitor has finalized the necessary legal matters, and all parties are ready, you can arrange your completion date. The solicitor will then make the arrangements required to request the funds. We'll ensure you get the best deal for your needs.


By conducting a financial health check, you can gain a clearer understanding of your financial standing, make informed decisions, and take proactive steps to enhance your financial well-being. This process often includes creating a budget, evaluating debt levels, assessing emergency savings, reviewing investment strategies, and ensuring adequate insurance coverage. Regularly performing a financial health check helps you stay on track towards your financial goals and adapt to changes in your circumstances or priorities.


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